Thursday, November 6, 2008
How Long Should I Stay Home With Bronchitis
with Klaus Hochreiter about AWARENESS
Many thanks to Klaus, it was great! Started
it with generous exchange of interesting personal and general news. Klaus Hochreiter has created in its beautiful rooms a cozy atmosphere with lots of pillows and treats. Then he led us carefully in a sensual inner journey (inner body scan) in every area of our body.
A second expedition drew our attention to hearing, smell, taste, touch, look, with a focus on a raisin. Very exciting was not only the guided perceptions, but also how each has dealt with it. From pleasant to unpleasant, want to empathize with this rebel, will also be guided not. Thoughts come and go, can be disciplined or lose.
also about the different beliefs of East and West was said. Discipline for collective governance of individual treatment contrasts with myself to develop an individual with an ego-centered society of nearly ungovernable.
the many impressions that could be collected that night to be sure the participants employ a very long and intense. Many thanks to Klaus - it was great!
present were Karin show Hofer, Andrea Guttenbrunner, Michaela Greindl, Ursula, Gerti Weinzierl, Klaus Hochreiter, Dunja Mesi, Helga Barber
Friday, September 26, 2008
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the 6th Shiatsu Meeting - Shiatsu with children - were present
Daniela longshoreman / Helga Barber / Peter Tobia / Barbara Frischauf / Ilse Schönegger
Andrea Gutenbrunner / Brigitte Kühas / Petra Werner
There has been much discussed and experiences were exchanged.
Conclusion: it is more important in children than in adults, need to focus on their needs and the needs arising from old age, fully adjusted. Young children can meet with accompanying stories and by reduced duration of the session. Joint exercises, Makko Ho, etc., can also be made happy. It may be present depending on the age and wish of the child's parent during the Shiatsu. Kids love barefoot Shiatsu.
We also want to the article by Elke Steiner in the Federation Journal No. 50
We say MANY THANKS to David Schauer man!
topic: Shiatsu Children
Where: in practice by Daniel Schaumann, Hospital Road 1 / 2. Stock, 4560 Kirchdorf / Krems. E-mail: , Tel 0650/6375580,
When: 19:00 clock
We are looking forward again to a nice, informative evening!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
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Who needs shiatsu mats can are welcome to Peter Tobin.
Mobil: 0664 / 4136860, www.shiatsupraxis
All futons and mattresses are high quality natural products made from pure sheep's wool felt, and in all sizes and shapes erhältich.
rent practice rooms
1 -2 days (also available 1 ½ days) from January 2010
Hauptstraße 39, Linz
's guide at Peter Tobin, Tel: 0664/4136860
Kathy Hartl their rented practice space in the Aubergstraße 14 in 4040 Linz.
If interested please with her. Tel: 0680/2151837
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Letter Explaining Community Hour Service
The 5th Meeting place was in the group practice of Eckerstorfer Anita and Peter Tobin in Linz / Urfahr instead

Present were: Helga Barbier, Katja Dienstl, Petra Zeilinger, Sylvia Keldorfer-Dospil, Daniela longshoreman, Sylvia Krügl, Ilse Schönegger, Karin Schaurhofer, Ulrike Nöstlehner, Birgit Schwamberger, Roland Lanegger, Gerti Weinzierl, Michael Greindl, David Rieck .

- baby wish - Shiatsu help?
- Proper storage of the client
- pregnancy symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, depression ...
- diet, hormones, breech baby,
- which meridians are used in pregnant women,
- visualization exercises for the client,
- ban points during pregnancy,
- labor and the time after birth.
Some participants told of their own pregnancy, her mood swings, twins, etc. .... and some have consistently reported their experiences in working with pregnant women.
was jointly selected the theme for the next meeting (06/11/2008 Kirchdorf): "Shiatsu with children" (details at "Events - do not miss").
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13.08.2008, 18:00, bath center Oedt Lake in Traun / apt. Sylvia Krügl, Traun
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02.07.2008, 19:00 clock, Recreation Center Pueblo, Further Street ability to sense 10, 4040 Linz
The Info Day will take place at 22.09. 2008.
The written concept that we have given in the clinic was, browsed by the participants.
Content: & Shiatsu We, what is shiatsu, organizational objectives of the joint project, benefits, our goal, future, study the ESF, an extract from a study on "side effects of chemotherapy - can help Shiatsu?
Other projects Shiatsu days "Shiatsu-in-schools" and possibly also other hospitals.
If interested get in touch with Helga or .
There was general discussion as to whether we want to offer shiatsu in the medical field in general.
Other ideas were a health road: The effects of shiatsu (eg, pulse and blood pressure measurements, if necessary, perform at fairs).
Why Shiatsu still so unknown, and how does it have to be related applications such as APM to this high?
There are insurance companies, which already take on the cost of Shiatsu treatments (teacher health insurance, state officials). The demand in convalescent homes and rehabilitation centers is growing.
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comes from the rest of the force - the soul in the body invite
"From the rest is the force", this often quoted phrase of Chinese teachers Rather than a physical immobility rather than the
peace of mind, the door to deeper layers of our consciousness is able to open. A classic image to illustrate
this process is that of water, whose surface is moved
. Only when calm the waves, it is possible, in the depth or even up to look at the bottom. The peace of mind while awake produces a clarity that not only sharpens the awareness of the body and the senses but also our thinking. The strength that comes from the rest, has not in thought but in a space beyond thinking originates, but does affect our thinking. If you wanted to reach them by thought, it would be to Daoist view as if you wanted to smooth the waves by a board strikes on them. The surface has calmed down, loosen the passing Thought no more of emotion, then, the turbulent water movement through the soil particles slowly settle to the bottom and thus enhance the clarity again.
The participants then reported their own experiences, as with the energy of the partner to come into contact.
Here are some statements:
was important "to feel Shiatsu" - then a guide is because during the treatment.
Some told them to talk to a Meridian / point was "Hey, tell me what" ... and then often comes a lot of information ...
a question whether we, the meridians might feel in ourselves.
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... our shared sense of adventure with just four in total darkness ...
met on 21.05.2008 at 12:00 clock 12 Shiatsu friends in Upper Austria. Association of the Blind in Linz to focus on the following adventure involved:
Food & specify shiatsu-and-receive, in complete darkness ...
Silvia Kehl Dorfer-Dospil, Petra Zeilinger, Angelika Beer, Christine Pernsteiner, Klaudia Hart, Sylvia Krügl, Marlies Blaschko, Dunja Mesi, Rudi Musel, Elisa helmet, Helga Barbier, Katja Dienstl and our blind support Elfriede
So the big secret is finally revealed, there was to eat, here are the pictures:
After some more, others were eaten less tired, was designed the space with mats. Some even dared to move in the dark ... All looked into the dark places to work - while no one was hurt!
... slowly calm returned and all participants were on the Shiatsu-in-dark-adventure ...
Here are some comments from the audience:
"My impressions were overwhelming. Although I knew that our senses to rely heavily on visual stimuli, I was still impressed with how little I knew when eating without my eyes. Similarly, I became aware of how unconscious we use our language. We talk mostly vague, we are talking about, without telling our party that we talk to him. This has become increasingly aware of me now in the time of re-vision. The darkness itself, I have actually found to be "protective", perhaps because I am not now seen by me and not have to worry about the opinions of others?? A terrific experience! "
" For me, Shiatsu in the dark an experience that we have participants joined a bit more. In the darkness, sharpening the senses and it is somehow even more dependent on each other. On the other hand, I felt very "with me" - there is no distraction of the visual world ... you learn to trust and other senses and encourage public use.
The Shiatsu treatment in the dark it was amazing to me how well you see with your hands - that is, but accurate picture of what I get from my clients when I touch him through Shiatsu. Overall, it was for me
an instructive but also very fun afternoon! "
" The food I felt very noisy and restless. You can hear much better and more intense when one does not have his eyes as a "filter". The food was very difficult to classify, probably because the spices and food itself, "with eyes" new and are unfamiliar.
The Shiatsu in the dark was a new experience. I was a bit uncertain, until I could get my bearings, where any part of the body of the treated person is located. But the best was about to have her first experience as it is, if one leans into a room. This intense experience now accompanied me during my treatments that I give. It serves me as a kind of template as it can be when it disconnects all around you (completely unaware) and one is in good contact with itself and the client. "
Some of us let the evening in the restaurant` p aa end.
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28.05.2008, 19:00 Clock, Recreation Center Pueblo, Further Strasse 10, 4040 Linz
We always provide for a small meals during the meeting place, this time we have asked for a small donation. Helga spoiled us with a fresh fruit salad and to nibble there were pretzels.
cooperation between the countries and DV work is important. In the future, be better felt by all members of the Service of the Federation.
not explain - can feel it: treat the person as only one side (one Foot, or arm), then let the person stand up and feel the difference can be.
Treatment reduced to the essentials.
come to the point - but what does that mean?
The essence of what the other needs, can manage to be unexpectant, release schedules - allow pulses to be there ... with the heart. How do I lead
clients to experience space? must
70% do it yourself, the rest of you can offer - willing to be active
(was here there are different views and opinions)
terminated as a practitioner a client relationship when he has no interest (because treatments are boring nothing moves anymore).
Shiatsu.tobisch @ , Tel: 0664/4136860
handmade mats made of sheep's wool felt in all sizes and shapes under
Petra on ASKÖ can make a room for € 12, per hour for common-practice with QiGong Klaus and Sylvia provide.
It would be nice if we could meet once a month to the common practice and sharing.
If interested please contact Klaus Hochreiter, .
A psychologist examined in Gallneukirchen a (n) Shiatsu Therapy (in) for the practice. If interested, please contact at Helga.
is basically interested in a common "practice-exchange day" between the students and practitioners of various schools.
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Chris Kling, Karin Schaurhofer, Thomas Schödl, Petra Zeiler, Christine Pernsteiner, Ingrid showers, Elisa Helm, Sylvia Keldorfer-Dospil, Dieter Lehner, Thomas Zeintl, Dunja Mesi , Klaus Hochreiter, Dietlinde Maiwöger, Helga Barbier, Katja Dienstl
In autumn there will be an event in Austria, where the study will be presented.
soon will there be new folders, which can be ordered against a contribution towards expenses.
notice: the day of the WKO Shiatsu-Praktiker/innen, M 18.04. in Linz: Business Competence for professional practitioners, start-ups and trainees.
Another talking point:
Klaus Hochreiter offered a Qi Gong - regular price or Qi Gong exercise and meditation to be held in Linz. (Petra can possibly arrange a room)
ideas for further joint projects
Shiatsu at the Linz Marathon 2009
Shiatsu in psychosomatic
make known the importance of touch in these times
children's projects (Petra) and many more.
Summary: a pleasant evening in which many ideas were taken up. The commitment and interest of those present was great.
Dietersheimer still a late-night shiatsu treatment at Helga.
Petra, Klaus and Katja agreed on a joint exercise date.
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your contacts are
- Katja Dienstl, Tel: 0650/4445324
- Helga Barbier Tel: 0676/88670676
You can reach us also by e-mail address:
Dates & Topics
9th Meeting place: 03 June 2009: proximity and distance between practitioner and client, 4616 Weißkirchen
10th Meeting point: 05 August 2009: cozy summer meeting with QiGong
12th Meeting point: 07 13th October 2009
Meeting point: 25 November 2009
small Christmas party with punch drink and food: probably on 16 December 2009
news, information, changes ...
The meetings are only every 8 weeks (instead of every 6 weeks) instead.
As always, I ask you for your support: The place thrives on your support and your interest! Therefore, I am on the lookout for new topics and hosts for the next meeting! Suggestions, ideas and suggestions by email ( ) or telephone (+43 650/444 53 24) to me!
I ask for your understanding that We seminars, lectures or other events that are offered by individual practices or personal, can not separately list on this blog. Questions have been very frequently and the workload is just too big.
If anyone tries to point to an event, you can send me a link and a line or two about the event and I will add them to a kind of "event" calendar. An exception to this are natural events that are scheduled by the Shiatsu-Upper or meeting place come about, or information and summaries of important major events (such as Shiatsu days, ESF Events, etc)!
The "bulletin board" is of course still all practitioners and students for "search-and-offer" - entries.
I think it would be very nice if the shiatsu meet by your continued use remains as alive and look forward to many joint projects and ideas this year!