28.05.2008, 19:00 Clock, Recreation Center Pueblo, Further Strasse 10, 4040 Linz
Energetic Touch - for all felt?
experience between therapist and client
always something happens in a treatment, and this is wahrnembar for everyone? ... or they can even be ineffective, and if so, why? How do I run the client for their own Erfahrungsrraum? What can an out of touch and / - or dissolve?
Present were:
Margit Felhofer, Fred Klausner, Daniela longshoreman, Petra Zeilinger, Gerlinde Pichler Ingrid Rappold-Wittula, Peter Tobin, Sylvia Keldorfer-Dospil, Klaudia Haidinger, Barbara Frischauf, Sylvia Krügl, Klaus Hochreiter, Helga Barbier, Katja Dienstl
After a longer Vorstellrunde were learned:
We always provide for a small meals during the meeting place, this time we have asked for a small donation. Helga spoiled us with a fresh fruit salad and to nibble there were pretzels.
Helga reported by the ESF meeting in Vienna.
cooperation between the countries and DV work is important. In the future, be better felt by all members of the Service of the Federation.
We always provide for a small meals during the meeting place, this time we have asked for a small donation. Helga spoiled us with a fresh fruit salad and to nibble there were pretzels.
cooperation between the countries and DV work is important. In the future, be better felt by all members of the Service of the Federation.
Silvia took us on a great Qigong exercises to recharge arrive, relax ...
discussions on the topic:
How do I declare a "non-energy" what is happening during a treatment?
not explain - can feel it: treat the person as only one side (one Foot, or arm), then let the person stand up and feel the difference can be.
Treatment reduced to the essentials.
come to the point - but what does that mean?
The essence of what the other needs, can manage to be unexpectant, release schedules - allow pulses to be there ... with the heart. How do I lead
clients to experience space? must
70% do it yourself, the rest of you can offer - willing to be active
(was here there are different views and opinions)
terminated as a practitioner a client relationship when he has no interest (because treatments are boring nothing moves anymore).
not explain - can feel it: treat the person as only one side (one Foot, or arm), then let the person stand up and feel the difference can be.
Treatment reduced to the essentials.
come to the point - but what does that mean?
The essence of what the other needs, can manage to be unexpectant, release schedules - allow pulses to be there ... with the heart. How do I lead
clients to experience space? must
70% do it yourself, the rest of you can offer - willing to be active
(was here there are different views and opinions)
terminated as a practitioner a client relationship when he has no interest (because treatments are boring nothing moves anymore).
Another talking point:
Who needs shiatsu mats can are welcome to Peter Tobin at:
Shiatsu.tobisch @ aon.at , Tel: 0664/4136860
handmade mats made of sheep's wool felt in all sizes and shapes under
Petra on ASKÖ can make a room for € 12, per hour for common-practice with QiGong Klaus and Sylvia provide.
It would be nice if we could meet once a month to the common practice and sharing.
If interested please contact Klaus Hochreiter, kh@hoki-shiatsu.at .
Shiatsu.tobisch @ aon.at , Tel: 0664/4136860
handmade mats made of sheep's wool felt in all sizes and shapes under
Petra on ASKÖ can make a room for € 12, per hour for common-practice with QiGong Klaus and Sylvia provide.
It would be nice if we could meet once a month to the common practice and sharing.
If interested please contact Klaus Hochreiter, kh@hoki-shiatsu.at .
A psychologist examined in Gallneukirchen a (n) Shiatsu Therapy (in) for the practice. If interested, please contact at Helga.
is basically interested in a common "practice-exchange day" between the students and practitioners of various schools.
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