An annual "must have" in the calendar-established Aikidoka are the summer days of Jos Vanroy Genk in Belgium.
Jos Vanroy, 5th Dan Aikido Tendoryu, invites every year on the last weekend in July to a long weekend of course the sports center at the Emiel van de Doorelaan. There 300sqm mats are ready for up to 100 practitioners.
Thursday through Sunday will traininert hard and talk shop in the long evenings in Jos'Garten because the dojo behind Jos'Haus is converted during the course days at the dorm.
In those days was not only a lot with bokken and Jo worked, which was taught by Josh.
Each day was full splendor of the first part of the teaching of Lars, 3.Dan Tendoryu Aikido from Aachen, informed. His topic was the ukemi. Many interesting and helpful suggestions, even for training in the local dojo, were brought closer to those present.
We should not mention the Saturday evening.
This year's live band was an old acquaintance of a medley of older and newer Rockclassiker was the best.
peak was the BBQ service, which served up so delicious and rich that so many a time was in the soup coma.
A special praise goes to Jos'Frau Hilde everything so wonderfully organized and even late at night had a loving smile on her lips.
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