good, but if you will take it on a simple level, what you see then? - Objects floating in space. What then is the universe? Of objects and space!
awesome a feeling Wonder comes over you not because of the billions of worlds out there, but because of the wide-embracing!
space you can naturally see or hear or touch, taste or smell yet. How do you know then that it exists at all?
The essence of space that's nothing! It exists therefore not in the ordinary sense of the word! Only things that types exist. To call him room is quite misleading, because by this name he is made the object.
Something in you has an affinity to the room. Therefore you can be be aware of. His be aware of? - How can you have an awareness of space when there is nothing of which you might be aware of you. - If you look at the room are aware, you is not really aware of, except the consciousness itself, the inner space of consciousness. Through you, the universe is self-aware.
The dual reality of the universe of objects and Space, consists of things and nothing, even your own. A mentally healthy, balanced, productive life is a dance between the two dimensions that make up the reality: "Form and Space"! Most people identify themselves by sensory perceptions, thoughts and emotions so strongly with the dimension of the form that the covert but crucial second part is missing her life. The identification with form, it shall state in the ego!
What you see, hear, feel, touch, or think is in a sense only half the reality. It is form.
also such as space allows all things their existence, and how there can be no silence no sound, you would not have existed without the vital informal dimension, the essence of who you are. We could call it "God" if that word would not have been so abused. I prefer to speak of being. Being precedes existence. Existence is form, Innhalt, what is happening. Existence is the focus of life, while "being" the background is ....
thoughts from the book: "A New Earth " Eckhard Tolle
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