Friday, October 29, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Ringworm To Heal

Wakasensei has taken over the Dojoleitung

  • 10/28/2010 [images/WakaSensei.jpg]

    I would like to hereby announce that I have decided and my deputies in consultation with the team trainer to transfer the management of the Kenta Shimizu Tendokan dojo.

    Kenta grew up with Aikido and has decided after graduating to devote himself to aikido. He began an apprenticeship as Uchideshi, which is now after 5 years of intensive training completed.

    There are still many things to improve - for that I wish to call on your assistance.

    Kenji Shimizu
    (founder and chairman of the Tendoryu Aikido)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Short And Sweet Slogans

Saturday 23 October 2010

The beads noise

In recent days I have fished in my boxes and tirelessly
created with beads, stones and silver parts of necklaces.
I could not slow down and soon it goes on.
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Are The Best Wheels For Scooters

arise helium and hydrogen

From a tiny deviation of the symmetry of the straight created universe created the light and matter particles.
from the cosmic radiation emerge matter particles and antimatter particles. Matter particles and antimatter particles are together again and dissolve again into radiation.
5 million Antimatter particles meet at 5 million particles of matter. But a matter particles remains. In this relationship to crystallize all of matter. They are the core building blocks for all hydrogen atoms and all helium atoms. Within three minutes all helium and hydrogen of the universe was created!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Son Complaining Of Sore Legs With Cough And Fever

Munich calls

Our long Aikidoka Meike leaves us Richting Munich.
Our Dojo loses a real bank. Meike was for years the most diligent athlete and was granted the title "Queen of training.
This past Saturday they had their strike in the circle of loved ones and Traingskameraden.
Since Meike train in Munich on Tendoryu Aikido, we will certainly, though not as often as it used to see again.
good trip and good luck in love and work.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Eyeclops Mini Projector Use With Laptop

10 to the -35 seconds

The universe dares to step out of nothing into being! the loud-and light-free Big Bang had occurred before a fraction of a fraction of a millisecond, has already been history. For about 10 -35 seconds after starting up the law of space and time!

Nature is one (1), it is all that is existing ...
energy is mass and velocity of light squared (E = mc2)!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Difference Between Air Cooled Water Cooled Engine

Aikido course with Jos Vanroy - 5th Dan Tendoryu Aikido

Aikido course with Jos Vanroy - 5th Dan Aikido Tendoryu
of 06-07. November 2010
course times
  • Saturday 10:30 am - 12:30 clock and 15:30 - 18:00 clock
  • Sunday 10:30 - 13:00 clock
(units, each with a Pause)

charges on options

all units € 23, -
single unit per € 4, - / hour


31 October 2010 (limited to 36 Aikidoka)
in full splendor Lars Thomas Hofstraße 15 D - 52070 Aachen lars.vollpracht + +49 (0) 241-94 30 123
(accommodation requests can only be accepted when early registration be)

seminar location
Peliserkerstraße 21
D - 52068 Aachen

Aachen Judo Club 1953 eV
Department Aikido

the organizer accepts no liability for personal - and damage

please Tanto, Bokken and Jo

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Truck Bed Carpet Kit For Sale

Cherokee dance

movement, open to the east

left arm and left leg head lifted, look for the same distance between the leg / arm, then the side with einer runden Bewegung abgesenkt. Wiederholen der Bewegung zur rechten Seite.

Berühren des Bodens mit den Händen (Erde begrüssen)
Arme zum Himmel strecken (Himmel begrüssen)
Berühren des Bodens mit den Händen (Erde Begrüssen)

Linkes Bein einen Schritt vorwärts stellen,
Hände auf Herz-Höhe nach vorne strecken, Handflächen nach oben

When recording the gift to be out their hands to heart
and returns with a 180 degree rotation of the body stretched out again!

movement, open to the south, above

movement: Open the west, above

movement, open to the north, above.
Speaking: through

three-time all directions, with male and female form alternate

Arms lateral spread, palms up, or down if the soil is raised:

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Chelsea Charms 2009-2010 Thread

The beginning

The universe is expanding. It is spreading at nearly light speed ....
ie, it must have a beginning, a beginning of matter, a beginning of space and time!
And this beginning is the end of causality!

from nothing created something out ... From the "zero", nothing to "one" the something ...?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

True Facebook Unblocker

The vertical train

The course bring on the weekend in the Alps was well attended. Not only local aikido and numerous foreign guests, including two Essene, had come, and no Dojo-wire from Moers, Essen-Ruhr, Monzen, Essenheim, Wuppertal and Leverkusen. They all wanted to do a course with the outstanding Belgian Jos GoDan Vanroy.

Vanroy worked on the three days training course held on, in his usual pleasant manner, many subtleties of the basic technique ikkyo. The 5th Dan put a lot of value on a clean version and left so the practitioner enough time to improve their technique. Particularly Jos slept on the Vanroy the vertical direction was observed.

the end of the course showed the Godan satisfied, and summed up his opinion, all the scoring had Aikidoka progress.

Many thanks to Joseph Juergens and Heidi Hoffman for organizing the course and the beautiful side program.

Some videos at:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Driver Xp Rotronic 12.02.1086

light food

A new film about the Light food has come into the cinema and he is really worth seeing!

After this film will question you a lot! - I think: Maybe it is not so important what we eat, but in what sense we eat it!